Monday, December 8, 2008

Putting the finishing touches on the straight pieces

I've been working on a few pieces tonight and I figured I might as well show everyone the progress so far on these. I've flocked them with static grass and then added brown caulk as mud. I let the caulk form a "skin" on top and then loaded a few rocks here and there in it for more detail. The problem with using caulk is that it does take some time to dry.

I'll let the caulk dry overnight and do some more on them on the morning. I should be able to color in the mud and add some weed/dead grass patches. So far, so good.

Well night has come and gone it's now time to put a little more work into these. The brown caulk has firmed up well but really doesn't have the color that I want. So it's time to wash them down with a dark brown. Again, I use a cheap acrylic paint from Walmart for this and thin it down with water in a seperate cup for mixing. These are good enough now to take the field. Well, after I put a few thin coats of sealer on them, but I want them to look even better. So it's time to hit the drawing board and see what else I can add to them!

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